Green Square - a new town centre

City of Sydney

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For the first time in more than 100 years, the City of Sydney is designing a new town centre. We’re revitalising the heritage and charm of this inner-city destination and using innovative design to create a great place to live, work and visit.

Over the next ten years the City will invest $540 million to deliver inspiring facilities including a library that flows into a statement plaza, an urban beach pool, community creative hub, along with a range of beautiful open, green spaces.

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Still imagery courtesy of:

Andrew Burges Architects with Grimshaw and TCL (Gunyama Park Aquatic & Recreation Centre)
Stewart Hollenstein with Colin Stewart Architects (library & plaza)
Peter Stutchbury Architecture/Atelier Illume (community & creative hub)
Fox Johnston (childcare centre)
McGregor Coxall (Drying Green)

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